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About 80% of my portfolio has been through commissions.
Some people know exactly what they want, so that's easy enough, size, texture, colour patina, a few nips and tucks here and there and off we go....

Others have no idea or a vague concept of something.... But you have a space that needs something special and looking for guidance in the process of commissioning of a sculpture.
I love talking to people, finding out what makes them tick, what they love, what gives them a buzz. I enjoy drawing this out of people and turning that energy and life experience into a physical form.... What do you see when you close your eyes?
Pulling these things together into something that's uniquely you is what gets me out of bed early and into the studio.
It's a super journey as you follow the progress of your sculpture as it evolves into something that will make you smile every time you see it.

So commissions start with a chat (possible aided by a glass or two of wine). Subject matter could be something you saw or a special memory or a moment in time. Maybe where you met each other... or the essence of someone you love...of a place or an animal you feel connected to.

What forms should we use in creating it?... abstract shapes and curves like the lines and planes of a car or boat... maybe hard chiseled angles or plates like that of an insect. Or maybe you prefer soft organic natural forms like a piece of smooth driftwood or weathered stone... or sensual curves and lines of a body. You might want to capture the flowing movement of a bird or the grace and balance of a dancer... or you might be more partial to highly realistic detailing. 
These are some of the things to consider.


WARNING - Having a commission done is so much fun, hugely satisfying and so highly addictive that you will be hard pressed to not come back for another. Just ask any of my patrons who skulk around their homes and gardens looking for places that might work out just fine for one more commission!


So lets have some fun...

Timelines on commissions vary greatly. Anywhere from 2 to 6 months. Bigger monumental sculptures could take a year or more.

Payments would be split into 2, 3 or 4 installments depending on the size of the sculpture.

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